Friday, 30 March 2007

Cambridge book

Cambridge has published a new book on "The WTO in the Twenty-first Century: Dispute Settlement, Negotiations, and Regionalism in Asia". I contributed the 19th Chapter on "Reflections on the relationship between WTO negotiations and dispute settlement: lessons from the GATS". More details on the book is available from here.

APEC Report: another new publication

The APEC has just published a report on "The New International Architecture in Trade and Investment – Current Status and Implications". I contributed by writing the economy paper for China as well as preparing the synthesis report.

This book is part of the outputs for the project on "Capacity Building for the New International Architecture in Trade and Investment" by the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group. For more details, please check here. The whole report is available for download at here.

Monday, 19 March 2007

The ABC of Aircraft Manufacturing: Airbus v. Boeing v. ChinaAero?

China kicks off plan to develop big aircraft:


2007-03-19 17:23 文章来源:中国政府网
文章类型:转载 内容分类:新闻






Protectionism at new height

On 11 May 2006, the Commission adopted a Decision requiring Member States to ensure that, from 11 March 2007, cigarette lighters are child-resistant when placed on the EU market. The Decision also prohibits the placing on the market of lighters which resemble objects that are particularly attractive to children; so-called Novelty Lighters. Certain lighters, such as luxury lighters, are excluded from the scope of the Decision based on a number of technical criteria, but must anyway comply with the general safety requirements for these products. In short this means that from 11 March 2007:

Cigarette lighters placed on the EU market must be child resistant
(With the exception of lighters which are sold with a 2 year written guarantee, are refillable and can be repaired by a European-based after-sales service)

Novelty lighters can no longer be placed on the market
(For a definition of novelty lighter, please see the Guidelines)

All lighters must be safe
(This has already been the case since 1992. Lighters which comply with all requirements of ISO9994 are presumed to be safe)

More info is available here.

The Chinese cigarette lighter manufactures are the ones being hit most.

欧盟CR大棒直落 打火机企业奋起自救
2007-03-19 15:09  文章来源:国际商报
文章类型:原创  内容分类:新闻











  记者还从温州检验检疫局了解到,近期,该局成立的打火机实验室已顺利通过了由商务部和国家质检总局组织的专家组预评审,这也是为迎接欧盟官员再次来温州考核打火机实验室。据悉,去年10月欧委会官员专程来温检验检疫局考察时,根据中欧双方磋商结果,欧委会将于今年三四月份委派欧盟认可组织 (EA)再次对我打火机实验室进行实地考核,以认定中国出口打火机的指定检测机构。




  据温州日丰打火机公司董事长黄发静介绍,该公司从去年5月份开始,就将出口的重点转向美国市场,目前出口美国的打火机已占该公司出口总量的 40%左右。另外,该公司还采取了国内国外市场并重的举措,近日,黄发静就接待了多位来自新疆等地的打火机经销商,洽谈打火机的国内销售事宜。


Saturday, 17 March 2007

What's in a name?

WTO denies changing Taiwan's official title

03/14/2007  (Taiwan News)

The World Trade Organization reiterated Monday that it only uses nomenclature that was agreed upon when Taiwan entered the organization in 2001 and that it will continue to do so, refuting allegations that under Chinese pressure, the organization changed Taiwan's official title in a recent international meeting.

According to news reports from Taipei, Taiwan's title was changed to "Taiwan Province of China" in all documents circulated at a global fisheries subsidies meeting held in Geneva March 1-2 under the auspices of the WTO and the United Nations Environment Programme.

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately protested Beijing's latest "political plot" to downgrade Taiwan's international status and also called for the WTO to show respect for the rights and interests of every member country of the WTO.

Asked to comment on the controversy, WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell said the complaints arising over the use of nomenclature are based on "a lack of understanding of the facts," as the meeting in question was not a WTO event.

The two-day seminar on "Disciplining Fisheries Subsidies" was co-hosted by the UNEP and the world conservation group WWF, with fishery experts and officials of WTO member states participating.

"The WTO always uses the nomenclature which was agreed upon when Chinese Taipei acceded in 2001, and it will continue to do so," Rockwell stressed.

Taiwan's formal title in the WTO is "the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu," also referred to as "Chinese Taipei."

Zero tariff to Taiwanese products in violation of WTO rules

On March 16th, China announced that another 11 vegetables and 8 fishery products from Taiwan will be granted zero tariff when imported into China. I have pointed out two years ago in an interview with Asia Times that such zero tariff violates the MFN rule of the WTO. No WTO Member, however, seemed to have enough interests in these products to bring the issue up in the WTO. The new list includes shrimp, which is a major export items for several countries in Asia. There might be some complaints from them this time.

Time for China to adopt Agressive Legalism?

At the press conference of the 5th session of the 10th NPC on March 12th, Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai indicated that China would not hesitate to take cases to the WTO if bilateral consultations does not work out. Does this mean that China has finally decided to adopt the "Aggressive Legalism" strategy?

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

FY2006 Grant for Japan-related Research Projects from The Sumitomo Foundation

My project on "Choice of policy tools in dealing with Sino-Japan trade disputes: A critical study on the practices of China and Japan" has been awarded the FY2006 Grant for Japan-related Research Projects from The Sumitomo Foundation. In this year, 50 grants were selected from among 290 applications made, and mine is one of the only three projects on law.

Free Trade Agreements: Where Is the World Heading?

I went to Gold Coast, Australia from March 8th to 11th for the conference on "Free Trade Agreements: Where Is the World Heading?", an International and Interdisciplinary Conference Hosted by The Faculty of Law of Bond University and Tim Fischer Centre for Global Trade and Finance. At the conference, I presented a paper on "The RTA Strategy of China: A Critical Visit".